Tuesday, February 7, 2012

BP #9 - Final Reflection on HeLa

'Knowledge of human ethics'

Nowadays people have knowledge that we have a right to refuse a medical test for our bodies or to take our body cells. In many years ago, people who were in prison or colored had been tested as a medical subject. In the novel, The Immortal life of Henrietta Lacks, describe how the doctors did to them and treated them. Here are two questions that have been issued when we are reading the book.

1.      If you learned that tissue removed from your body during a routine procedure or examination at a doctor's office at some point in the past had gone on to significantly benefit science and research, would you feel that you should be retroactively compensated?        

-       We know that our bodies are our own property. This is the reason why doctors ask us consent.  When we go to hospital to check up our body, doctors often ask us consent of medical treatment. Also they advised us to donate our cells for medical research. If doctors took my tissues without my agreement, it would be punished by law. Taking cells or tissues are necessary for improving medical experiment or medicine. If I knew my cells were taking out from my body without my consent, I would sue them and ask them to destroy my cells. Also I would ask them some money for my tissue.

2.      Which do you think is more important - your right to control your own tissue, or contributing to science and research for the greater good of humanity?

-       In my opinion, I prefer not to give my cells to researchers. In the novel, Henrietta’s family members feel anxiety for several phone calls. They believe that their mother stolen and poisoned from researchers. Even though they did not know anything, scientist keep calling them and asking them. Actually donating my cells for developing medical field is good for rest of us.

BP#8 going green again

When I was reading the article of 365 ways to go green I found that there were much more ways to reduce pollution. Everything is simple and easy to do in our home. Among many ways I strongly suggest 3 ways to reduce the usage of energy.
First we often forgot to turn off the light especially in bathroom’s one. If we check it before we leave a toilet we might reduce our electronic bills. Another way that I didn’t know before is do not keep often our refrigerator when we cook something. Refrigerator usually high electronic device so if we keep often it we might find high electronic bills. The third one is that we can bring personal bag while we buy some ingredient for our daily meal. Using personal shopping bag can reduce the use of plastic bags are hardly disassemble in nature. Every thing that I mentioned is easy and simple things when we consider our environment and keep reducing pollution we might not afraid of grobal warming at all.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

BP #6 - Mini Essay on HeLa and Informed Consent

 Many decades ago around 1950's in the united state, there were many difficulties to getting a medical treatment especially African-American. The novel, immoral life of henrietta lack, described that how it was difficult to cure from illness. Moreover a few of opportunities of getting knowledge made them hard to understand what doctors did to them and why they had to know for medical treatment.
in many years ago in the united state, people who were colored were poor and did not have any money with them beside they had less opportunity to get a medicine. John Hopkins offered its medical treatment to the colored people as free. so many people went there if they were sick. Because of the free treatment, the doctors who worked at Hopkins took patient's cell without any permission or consent.
now we know that we have patient's right which say medical treatment and human ethics. our bodies are considered as our property so if the doctors need to research they have to get a permission from us. also doctors treated everyone as equally no matter how patient's skins color. doctors have totally different view between past and now. they respect the human ethics.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

BP #5 - Mini Essay on one of the articles (posted below)

A. What do you think about sustainable restaurants. Should more restaurants follow their ways? Do you think it is possible for more restaurants to use more sustainable practices? Why or why not?
Serving sustainable food is one of many ways for reducing pollution which better for environment. Americans are looking for more nutritious and healthier food. According to get people's attention about food nutritions, numeros restaurants are reforming new menus which contains a list of organic food. restaurants should have to consider consumers needs. sustainable food has many benefits. first it is making less pollution second food witch has grown by our neighbors is more fresh than other food which come from far away. third, Eating organic food which has been grown by local farmer helps regional economy. consumers which live in NY can eat nutritious food and restaurants can offer less expensive food. moreover we have many farm places near new york and long island if we use local food we could eat fresh and sustainable food.

Monday, January 16, 2012

BP #4 - Going Green

many people start considering our environment. among of all reducing pollution and doing recycle receive a lot of attention from media and urban people. i cannot say that i did recycle very well nor i made small amout of garbage but i can say i do my best. how can i help our environment? i think that i cannot stop pollution or global warming by myself but i can do something for my health and for my neighbors. in my case i do not concern so much about what i am eating or doing but i am considering about the food that i buy. i live alone in US so every time i have to make food myself. if i made alot of food soon i have to throw all the food away. if i buy a lot i cannot eat also i have to spend alot, it would be waste of my money. moreover i made a lot of trash. i think the meaning of going is including commercial fertilizer and organic food, how can we reduce our pollution.

Monday, January 9, 2012

BP #3 - Mini Research on HeLa themes

  In 1940, there was a big movement for the civil right for colored people. Negro was a person who usually had a colored skin and worked for white people. In American history it is still big issued until now. As an asian, i feel it is hard to understand but i can understand sort of it. There were many difficulty for a person who had a colored skin because they used to work for white people. They used to be considered as a low level people so that they had a limited opportunity for the better life. For example they had to live in one space with no bed and no medical treatment and they had to work over and over even though they were sick.
  Beside around 1940's many public spaces did not allow them to stay or use it. The laws which called Jim crow law was not fair to them. So people who were well educated started to fight for their civil rights. The jim craw law was abolished by them. Even though white people treated them as a slave but the colored people tried to change white people's thinking and social state as equal as white people. I've read what they did in the past for their right. "After the Civil War, millions of formerly enslaved African Americans hoped to join the larger society as full and equal citizens. Although some white mericans welcomed them, others used people’s ignorance, racism, and self-interest to sustain and spread racial divisions." It seemed that they felt struggle for survive but they did for the better future.

sometimes i regret to make a friendship

when i meet people who i don't know before. I'm  trying to see the person's positive side because i believe that it is the best way to be a friendly person and to make a friend.
sometime it brings good result but sometimes it isn't.

Recently i regret my behavior ever than before. i was rented a house and shared it with other two people. All of us made rules for the better living environment. For example place that we share should be cleaned up by ourselves, after using toilet or kitchen make it clean so that we can provide us a clean place. All of us have to have a responsible for every single items or our behavior. It is easy and only thing that i asked other  people.

I remember the problem occurred at just before christmas day. One of my roommates invited her friend secretly. I don't care and the other roommate don't care at all those things. So the next day that the unknown person stayed one night i asked my roommate that if she wanted stay here it would be good for her also if she kept a rule, i and the other roommate would not care about her what she did. Beside the unknown person didn't have a room to stay few night because she was a traveler.

After two days later when i came back to city i found that all of our house's door was often and the light didn't turn off. i felt almost mad and felt embarrassed So i called her and asked what had happened our house but she said that she didn't do anything wrong. Even though she did the worst thing to us she didn't felt any guilty at all. As a result of her behavior i had to ask her not to stay our home. Even though i was trying to be good to others they didn't  show any responsibility for our lost. Until today my roommate didn't say sorry about her friend's attitude. Being a good person is not easy and it isn't alway good because they might take advantage of me.

2. feeling
Henrietta did not know about what had happened her. Only thing that she want was a treatment from the cancer. Without saying to her, doctors were taking her cells to their lab and tested it. As a result they found a new method to cure disease and earned a lot of tension from public. Doctors took their advantages from its benefit but they didn't pay for her or her family. Because they thought that they had to deserve it. Many years ago it was common for doctors if the patient would be died in few months later or they had lots of problem for cure they decided not to talk to patient. If i were her, i felt anger and refused to go to John Hopkins hospital.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

my sweetie

so cute!!! she always sleep on my bed

i think i made a new blog

name : gyeong yeon
gender : female
language: korean english japanese

if u have any question??? ask me