Monday, January 9, 2012

BP #3 - Mini Research on HeLa themes

  In 1940, there was a big movement for the civil right for colored people. Negro was a person who usually had a colored skin and worked for white people. In American history it is still big issued until now. As an asian, i feel it is hard to understand but i can understand sort of it. There were many difficulty for a person who had a colored skin because they used to work for white people. They used to be considered as a low level people so that they had a limited opportunity for the better life. For example they had to live in one space with no bed and no medical treatment and they had to work over and over even though they were sick.
  Beside around 1940's many public spaces did not allow them to stay or use it. The laws which called Jim crow law was not fair to them. So people who were well educated started to fight for their civil rights. The jim craw law was abolished by them. Even though white people treated them as a slave but the colored people tried to change white people's thinking and social state as equal as white people. I've read what they did in the past for their right. "After the Civil War, millions of formerly enslaved African Americans hoped to join the larger society as full and equal citizens. Although some white mericans welcomed them, others used people’s ignorance, racism, and self-interest to sustain and spread racial divisions." It seemed that they felt struggle for survive but they did for the better future.

1 comment:

  1. yap because of this movement everything has changed in the united state and people became free and equal by law.
